
Hi, I'm Sander Solvak, a multi-disciplinary designer based in Tallinn, Estonia. For over 20 years I've helped clients both big and small by designing things on and around screens – products, interfaces, experiences, systems, processes.

I strive to extract clarity from ambiguity, and find elegant, thoughtful solutions to problems. I want to put care and consideration into the things I work on and leave them better than I found them.

I'm currently changing fintech as principal designer at Funderbeam. Previously, I was a design generalist at Playtech, working on everything from trade-shows and print designs of all shapes and sizes to websites and user interfaces. Time permitting, I still occasionally take on freelance projects.

My time off is spent with movies, cooking, travelling, taking pictures, or on a bicycle.

Toward better.


If you want to get in touch for a project, it's best to e-mail me. I'm also on LinkedIn.


This site is designed and built by yours truly. The headings are set in Prospectus and the rest in Libre Franklin. It runs on a lovely little CMS called Kirby. No tracking or snooping or bullshit. Simple.


People I've learned a lot from and think you might too. Or just cool sites, in no particular order, a.k.a. a blogroll.

Frank Chimero

Sara Soueidan

Jeffrey Zeldman

Mark Boulton

Jen Simmons

Dan Mall

Rachel Andrew

Lea Verou

Craig Mod

Khoi Vinh

Tobias van Schneider

Jessica Hische

Jonnie Hallman

James Jean

Jeremia Joaf

Brad Frost

Matt Smith

Austin Kleon

Christopher Butler