Noted, April 2023

Collected bits and pieces I’ve noticed this month.

Jony Ive, Marc Newson, and Peter Saville talk to Wallpaper about the creation of LoveFrom, Serif, the design studio's bespoke typeface.
via Sidebar


This Figma "switchboard" tip will save you a lot of clicks and avoid a lot of spaghetti.


AI is really good at coming up with new horrible stuff. At least as good as us humans, only way faster. And this is from way back in 2022: "AI suggested 40,000 new possible chemical weapons in just six hours"


A treasure trove of 60s garage rock on Youtube.


Craig Mod's experience in Venice very much matches my own:

As I lifted her substantial luggage, careful to do so only with my legs, not my back, she intoned in German-accented English: Thank you, this broken foot of mine vould not keep me avay, nothing vould keep me avay from my dear Venice.
Her deranged veneration seemed omnipresent and fundamental to the city. I felt surrounded by cult worshipers. But they all vanished when I ippon ura’d (“one street backed” as we call it in my Japan pop-up newsletters) the sinking town. It seemed as if very few were here to explore.