Noted, August 2023

Collected bits and pieces I’ve noticed this month.

In March 2012 a new drawing app called Paper, made by FiftyThree, was launched for the iPad. Ten years later one of its founders Andy Allen reflects on the decisions behind the app's many unique features.


These new Gold foil Field Notes are oh-oh-oh so pretty!
via Coudal


Cooper Hewitt published the 2023 National Design Awards winners.


Ikea’s research and design lab Space10 is no more.
via it’s nice that


Having wrestled with making a complex app layout play nice on differently sized screens, keeping the essentials available on smaller screens and carefully considering what to add when there is screen space available, a lot of the problems and layout visualisations in this case study of rebuilding the layout of TechCrunch with modern CSS looked very familiar. Long, but good.
via Sidebar


Cabel Sasser observes how people use the world (or in this case, amusement parks) differently from how the designers intended:

“If it looks neat, people will want to take a photo with it. If it looks comfortable, people will want to sit on it. If it looks fun, people will play around on it.”

via Daring Fireball